Monday, October 18, 2010

I Love Our Love Story

Hi. Okay, confession: I just spent the last 20 minutes watching our story of us documentary I posted the other day. I started watching it to make sure it loaded correctly, but then I was hooked! I've always been a sucker for a good love story! I love that I love our love story. Now, I'm in tears, and I feel like I've fallen in love with Michael Ritter all over again.

I look at that girl in the video, with the big toothy smile. She was so excited, pumped to start her new life as a wife! And that guy, so smitten, you can tell he'd do anything he could for her. How could you not love them, right?

Those kids had no idea. No idea the blessing, and ministry marriage would be. No idea that that first year would end up being pretty tough. No idea how much it hurts to feel each other's pain. No idea that a year later, they'd love each other way more and way more deeply than they did that day at the marriage license office.

I'm wiping tears right now, but you know what? I wouldn't trade a thing. What a treasure this life is! Chills looking back on the story of us.

1 comment:

~Mariesa said...

Oh, I teared up reading this. Gary and I having married the same day as you and Michael, I think I feel it even moreso than if you were some random couple. I don't have the words to explain the challenges he and I have faced over the first year of our marriage, but there also aren't words to properly define the true depth of our love, bond, and commitment. I also wouldn't trade a thing because it got us to where we are today...