Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Festival Fun

This week got busy and blogging got put on the back burner, yet again. Poor blog. I know how it feels. It will be okay though, because now I'm updating with pictures of pumpkins, and what is better than pictures of pumpkins?

They are hard to top.
Sunday, we met Josh and Kelly Stockstill at Cox Farms for some Fall Festival Fun, courtesy of a Groupon.

Thankfully, the nasty hotness of Saturday subsided so this day actually did feel a bit Fall-ish.
Cox Farms had everything you need to welcome Autumn.
Piggies. I touched this guy's nose. They are cute, but they are stinky. Such pigs!
There was a Corn Maze. But, we didn't do that. I didn't feel like getting all stuck in the rocks on the ground.
Props to whoever named it "Cornundrum," though. That's epic. And look at that scary corn face! Haha.
There was a very unfortunate demonstation where you could milk a cow. My biggest fear... UDDERS! Aaaahhh, I can't hardly even type that word. Disgusting!
You know what we did that was the most fun? We went on a HAY RIDE! It was so funny.
This woman gave us our instructions before we took off. I have to believe she is a former cheerleader, look at this form!
You could probably add up the ages of everyone else on our hay ride and not have the age of one of us!I love that we are finding ways to enjoy things we technically shouldn't be able to enjoy. Shout out to Josh who helped me get Michael up into the back of the hay filled truck.
If you've known us since we were dating, you know we're constantly taking pictures of ourselves kissing. Kind of a running joke. Well, we hadn't done it in a while, so I thought I'd give it a shot...
Michael gets points here for really puckering up! But my picture taking skills are lacking.
2nd attempt:
Oh well. Wow, my hair is getting long. I digress. Maybe we should just stick to regular self-portraits.
My favorite part of the hay ride was seeing the ultra-randomness with which all of the "yard art" was arranged. For example, here we have some American presidents (+ Hillary Clinton) and a UFO ship. Because, you know, they go together.
There were lots of laughs.

After our hay ride, we got some fresh, free apple cider, and ate some free apples. Joy.
Josh and I rode some potato sacks down a slide.

We got to pick out free pumpkins.
Took more pictures. I'm telling you, pictures of pumpkins, with pumpkins, around pumpkins are irresistible!

They even had a little farmer's market! You know of my love for these places. I was loving it!
We walked away with some of this Pumpkin Butter, some Peach Preserves, some canned Peppers and toasted almonds. Yummy.

Good times. Good day. Welcome, Fall. I love you.

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