Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cherry Blossoms

Brokaw and I left at about 8:00 this morning and walked the Mt. Vernon Trail all the way to the Tidal Basin, then walked around it, and back. I know it was more than 15 miles. We didn't get back until 2:00pm, and my legs and feet hurt like I ran in a race. The backpack probably didn't help. Brokaw had his backpack too, he was in charge of carrying our lunch and our water! I wonder if his legs are tired? He did participate in the break we took which consisted of laying in an open field, watching planes take off at Reagan National Airport. Pictures..Img_0550

















christin said...

OK I am foaming with jealousy. i just love the cherry blossoms, they are so gorgeous and so spring. your adventure with Brokaw is TOO cute - I love that he had to carry the snacks. good doggie. Boderson and I went on two walks today, but sadly not one tree is blooming and I didn't make him carry anything. I think I need to try and Dana approach.

Courtney said...

How fun! Koda and I got out yesterday and walked at the park - not 15 miles by any means (Go Brokaw!), but probably around 4! Pretty good for his little legs. It was nice, over 60. Though I think the cherry blossoms trump feeding the geese stale bread ... :) How pretty!

Nik said...

Great pics from the tidal basin. You have a great eye... although I would have loved to have seen a tag team shot of you and Brokaw powerwalking with the backpacks on...That would have been priceless! LOL!

Jordan said...

Ok, the fact that Brokaw has his own backpack and he has to carry the food/water might be one of the coolest/cutest things I have ever heard! Hmm...I wonder how Apache would feel about a backpack. And what hemisphere has DC moved to? I'm just three short hours away and our last two Saturdays have been either freezing or dreary and rainy! Boo hiss! Send some of that sunshine down our way =)!

Rebecca said...

Seriously how cute are you and brokaw! i love it that he had to carry the food and water. too funny! he looks much happier than in previous posts btw! i am jealous of the cherry blossoms! beautiful! i am ready to go on a hike or two! if only it would stop raining here in the south and maybe stop snowing up north so we don't get anymore flooding. oh and no more tornadoes please!