Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Quick trip to Lynchburg

Also, at some point recently (I believe this was last week), I road tripped it down to Liberty University, where I went to college, to cover Rep. Michele Bachmann's speech to students there.

It was pretty surreal to be in the Vines Center, as a working professional, and not as a freshman sitting in Section 121, trying to remember if I made my bed that morning, and if I was going to pass room checks or not.  I saw some old friends, and loved that!  This guy below, we used to work together at WSLS when we were both pretty much children.  I don't know why, but someone let us put together the weekend news. Great to see you, Tim!  Are we really this grown up?
I saw some other friends who were literally children the last time I saw them! Shout out to Jessica and Amanda!

And Gooz - who brought me some Iced Coffee swag.  Definitely owe you one!

I actually had a couple of COMS students approach me for advice, both of which I told my #1 piece of journalism advice to - "Be a stalker."

Bachmann's theme for her convocation speech was "Don't settle." It ended up being a re-launch of sorts, for her campaign.  My favorite White House Correspondent, the lovely and talented Jennifer Wishon scored an exclusive interview with Bachmann, backstage.

We ate lunch at Macado's, and wrote our story.
Then, I had a Milton Milkshake, and drove back to DC.

One of the best things about going to and from Lynchburg (other than the Milton Milkshake and the sweet mems of college life) is the drive.  It's a beautiful drive.

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