Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Most Uninspired Post, Ever.

Hello, my dear readers.
Bless your hearts for hanging on with us this month.

You know that the past two months have been crazy busy for me, right? I think I've mentioned that. :)
I was in the office all of two days in the month of September.
I'll be in the office Monday, for the second time in October, and it's the 31st.

I haven't had much time to myself.
Not much time to gather my thoughts, to let them wander, and end up with a bunch of brilliant blog post ideas.
So, that's that.

Miraculously, you have still visited, and clicked here and there, and for that, I am grateful.

I almost always chuckle at the random Google searches that lead you here.
For example, the top searches for the past week:

1. Dana Brown Ritter
2. Homemade Christmas Gifts
3. Apple Crisp Recipe Paula Deen
4. Joni and Friends paintings
5. Paralyzed husband
6. Puggle in pumpkin costume
7. Baby handoff
8. Dana Perino
9. danabrownritter
10. dog flash eyes

I am happy to bring you the most random content on the planet.

And now, a reward for staying tuned... Brokaw in his Halloween costume in 2008.  That was the last time he dressed up for Halloween.  After that, I was engaged and planning a wedding, then a newlywed, and this year, same story.  What can I say, when budgets are tight, the dog costumes just don't make it on the shopping list.

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