Sunday, January 3, 2010

What's for Dinner (New Year's Edition)

One thing I plan on blogging about frequently is what we eat! We do not eat anything special, or different than anyone else. I just love to cook and try new recipes and nothing puts a smile on my face faster than plopping a good, home cooked meal down in front of the Hubs for him to enjoy! So, I plan to share with you "What's For Dinner" on a regular basis. Please comment and share your tips and recipe ideas! I read several food blogs and get lots of recipes online - so bring 'em on!

Here's our wonderful New Year's meal: Roasted Maple-Walnut Glazed Chicken, Warm Spinach & Portabella Mushroom Salad (a favorite side around here) and The Frugal Girl's Homemade Challah bread.

Doesn't my bread look like it's shaped like an animal? Haha. I'm still learning how to braid bread dough!

*Side note: I met The Frugal Girl this week and she's awesome! What a thrill and a blessing!


LaDonna said...

OH MY! You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

lol....LOVE the bread!!

Kristen said...

Your challah looks AWESOME! Go you!
