Thursday, November 6, 2008

If I Must...

I haven't been abducted.  I'm not on any internet blacklist that I know of.  I haven't quit blogging forever.  The truth is, I've just been basking in the glory of Michael's fabulous and our awesome engagement.  This truly is a special time.  I just couldn't imagine pushing it down on the blog.  I wanted it to be the lead story forever!  Not b-listed for some lame lament about my coffee or my commute or a blog about how I wore socks for the first time this season. (I have, sadly.)

But, I get it.  Life goes on.  I need to update my about me page, yes, I know this, too.  Someday... when I figure out how to do that.  OctNov08 038 

What better way to stuff down my awesome engagement post than with a giant red Starbucks cup, right?

(This is killing me, just so you know...)

But, it's classic blog style, so that's where I'll begin, before I recap the last few weekends, which, by the way, have been pretty great.

Sorry, I'm out of practice.  Clearly.  Back to the red cup.  Can you believe this?  They're RED.  'Tis the season.


Okay, that's a start.  Maybe more tomorrow.  I'm easing back in.


Rebecca A said...

Well you were missed, but I completely understand!!! Can't wait to hear more of your wild adventures...

cindy floyd said...

Welcome back to earth. Now we must get buzy. Time to plan a wedding. Sleep well!!

Courtney said...

I am so glad to see red starbucks cups too. Esp. after the election and living in a blue state!! :)