Monday, November 10, 2008


First and foremost, HAPPY VETERANS DAY!!  Thank you to all of you who have served.  I am very proud of my dad and my brother.  Give a vet a hug today.

I watched live yesterday as President-Elect Obama and Michelle Obama visited the White House, hosted by President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush.  I was FASCINATED.  Wow!  History, baby!

I enjoy watching the little things.  How Obama remarked "You both look autumnal," to Michelle and Laura, referrring to their dresses. (A clear shout-out to you, Christin!)  I loved the body language.  Bush waves, then Obama.  Obama's hand on Bush's back as they entered the White House.  Bush's hand on Obama's back as they entered the Oval Office.

It's so fascinating!  I'm obsessed.  I watched it all again for our story this morning.  So cool.

Okay, how tall is Michelle Obama, seriously!  She must have been really uncomfortable in that limosine. 

Moving on... I was wandering aimlessly around Target yesterday.  Yup.  Really.  I couldn't remember why I was there.  It's sad... but I think sometimes I'm just pulled there by some unnamed force... But I ended up getting a card and some Burt's Bees chapstick, so that's good.  Oh!  And I picked up a pound of Starbucks Winter Blend. Um.... YEAH.  Love it.  Small print: This is in not an endorsement of Winter in any way, shape or form.  I'm still anti-Winter.  I just like the coffee.  It may be as simple as I'm flavored-coffee'd out.  I dunno.  Does that ever happen to you?

I leave you with a picture of my sweet Mr. Puggles.  I have no doubt, this is what he's doing right now at this very moment:

OctNov08 042 

I have to switch the cushions back and forth because God forbid Brokaw lay on the other side!

1 comment:

christin said...

oh my goodness, did he really say "autumnal"???? I love it, and truly, that was a little "hey there" to me, bigtime. Michelle is totally towering, but so gorgeous isn't she? I wish I could watch the segment, Dave was telling me about it yesterday the whole body language thing - they were saying that Obama's hand on the back of Bush's arm was a signal of power - like, I'm the one in charge now. interesting, eh?
I don't endorse winter either, but I'm trying to in small ways this year by doing things just like you did - buying the winter blend, finding good wintry candles, having fires (check my blog in a minute, we built our first fire in like 4 years in our fireplace!)
this comment in like 80 years long. the end.