Monday, April 18, 2011

What a GREAT Day! I met Tom Brokaw!!!

Not to bury the lead here, but I have to list everything that was great about today because it has truly been an absolutely GREAT day, and I don't want to forget any of this.

1. I had a good hair day.
2. My husband told me I looked cute this morning (actually, he said I looked like a teenager).
3. I got to work from the White House today.
4. I got the first question on a press conference call.
5. I talked to my best friend in the world, Ann, for almost an hour on Skype!
6. I landed a great interview for us to do tomorrow.
7. I met Tom Brokaw, told him about Brokaw and showed him a picture!
8. I left my rolling bag (bane of my commuting existence) at the White House.
9. Mr. Wonderful met me for an unplanned dinner out.
10. Who knows what else great can happen today! (to quote my husband just now - "The day's not over yet.")

**UPDATE: Moments after I published this, I started Facebook chatting with my little brother in Afghanistan!

It's not even my birthday! And all this, after a really horrible night of "sleep!" I'll take it!


Tracy said...

What a fantastic day! Take a deep breath and enjoy! I love you!

EyesofBlue said...

Love this post!! We all need these kinds of days every so often:)