Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Saturday Morning Post

This is my Hubs, I'm guessing, about 32 years ago. Is that not the sweetest thing?

Hello friends, Happy Saturday.
Tomorrow, as you know, is Easter.
A lovely holiday celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, which changes everything.

I still remember the first Easter that I understood that. It was the biggest celebration, ever! I didn't grow up going to church. I always had wonderful Easters, though. My family always got together, we did Easter egg hunts at my grandparents' house, ate ham, got new clothes and dressed up, all that. It really was great!

The summer before my senior year of high school, I became a Christian. However many months later, my church participated in this huge Easter Celebration with a bunch of local churches at the Virginia Beach Amphitheater. It was a huge deal. That day, when I was 17 years old, I realized why people make such a big deal out of Easter.

Because He rose from the grave. That, my friends, is a big deal. And it changes everything. He is all powerful. Thank you, Jesus!

I don't mean to or want to be all preachy, so I'll stop there.

Now, a general update.
I was without my iPhone for about a week, which really impairs my ability to document our lives, I have found. Because I remember the week that was by looking back at pictures. And I have almost none.

I can tell you that one day this week, I brought a prize home for Michael, because he had a hard day of work. In marriage, it's generally a good idea to treat your spouse how you would like to be treated.
So, I brought him something from Starbucks. Hot Chocolate. Which I would never get, but I'm happy to give!

I can tell you that I am proof that freezing dough and batter and baking it at a later date can make you a happy person.
Because there is just something so right about turning this, which I made more than a month ago into these, just yesterday:
I can tell you that after an epic week of exercise last week, I didn't exercise once this week.
Someone may need to remind me that I am supposed to "run" a 5K in about 6 weeks. I need some more motivation, and probably less baked goods.

It's a rainy Saturday. A good day to stay in, and snuggle someone you love. Do that. I think I will, too. That is, of course, after I clean the apartment, go to Costco and Harris Teeter, and maybe World Market. Cheers.


Kristen Maddux said...

A very big deal indeed. Happy Easter!

mella's messages said...

Just thought I would let you know that I love your posts. They are so down to earth real. I love how you just make your day to day activities come to life! By the way, you make an awesome friend!