Sunday, April 25, 2010

Family Visit Alert!

We absolutely love it when people come to visit DC! But, it's even better when it's family, and they stay with us!

Okay, I'm going to be honest here. I come off as a great hostess. But the truth is, I can't stand to have people's stuff all over the place in my house. I'm a little bit.. how you say... anal? Oh well. It's not that you're not welcome, it's just that we're living in an apartment right now and the whole air mattress thing gets old, you know? Thank God we have two full bathrooms!

I digress.... the great thing about my sister coming to visit is she has this same problem, so she understands when she leaves a glass on the table and it instantly disappears into the dishwasher... what happened and why. And I love her for that!

Tracy and Brayden came up for a quick visit, just one day, during Brayden's Spring Break from school. Brayden is 8 years old, he's really into history and money! Kids are so funny with their random interests, aren't they?

We took T & B all over DC. We went on a tour of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to see how our nation's money is made. We went in the White House (just for a tour of the Press Briefing Room where I work, to do the full on tour would have taken more planning). We ate lunch, bought some random stuff from street vendors and went to see the War stuff in the Museum of American History. By the end of the day, Brayden's little 8 year old legs were SPENT, he had a WASHINGTON DC backpack full of stuff and we were all falling asleep on the Metro.

It was GOOD TIMES. Love family visits. Love spending a little bit of time with my nephews before they grow up, which, by the way, happens when you blink!

Tracy & Brayden outside the West Wing.

My Beautiful sister!!

Michael & Brayden in the Press Briefing Room. M had been there before, so he's like an old pro.

Brayden in my seat in the Briefing Room. As you can see, he's pretty much as tall as me.

Of course they signed the infamous White House Pool Wall!

Watching these two together melted my heart! M was like a teacher leading B on his own custom field trip or something. So. Cute.

Yay. Shout out to Tracy & Brayden for coming to visit! Y'all come back now, you hear?

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