Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hi Everyone.  I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  I know I sure did.  There is so much to be thankful for and every year, I love ThanksG even more.

November09 064 The day before Thanksgiving, I was able to watch the turkey being pardoned at the White House.  It was actually pretty stinking cute.

November09 067 POTUS brought Sasha & Malia.  It was very cute.  Fun event to cover.

Two turkeys weren't so lucky, though, and ended up at my sister's house! Mmmm.  One roasted, one fried... my brother-in-law, Jimmy does it like that every year, and they are both yummolicious.

November09 090 Action shot of Jimmy & Tracy cookin' up the goodness.

November09 091 JT getting hungry...

November09 092 Table settings... isn't my sister amazing?

November09 124 Tracy had to put out paper napkins for those who are afraid of cloth ones... I, for the record, did use my pretty red cloth napkin.  Thus, creating laundry for my sister.  Sorry :)

November09 093 My Dad enjoying the food.  EVERYTHING was sooooo good.  Too bad we never even made it to Round Two.  That's the thing about Thanksgiving, you always think you're going to eat soooo much, but run out of room!

November09 096 Colby, in his food coma.  Wesley was trying to get him to exercise. Haha.  Throw the ball, will you?

Okay, I have to go. More coming later....

Okay, 7 days later, I'm back :)

November09 085 My siter's mom was feeling good!  Yay, Shannon! One of the sweetest people on the plane!

November09 086 The Colbster and Toby... he's like the Dog Whisperer or something, haha.

November09 121 My Michael and My Mama.  You are not permitted to enter this family unless you have beautiful eyes!

November09 122 I can't even tell you how much it warmed my heart to watch/listen to these two together!  My little brother has tolerated my past boyfriends and what not.. but he never really liked any of them and always asked me "What's the point?"  Until Thanksgiving, Michael & Chris hadn't even met yet.  The whole long distance relationship/my brother's in the Army thing kind of got in the way!  But, they really seemed to hit it off, and that made me soooo happy!

November09 126 Note the sleevelessness.  It was nice and warm and toasty on Thanksgiving, and I was truly THANKFUL for that! :)

November09 097 JT looking all cute.

November09 129 Look at these people!  They are like the same person, in different shapes and sizes, no?  Chris was definitely the star of the party!  We were so glad to have him with us to share in some family togetherness and of course, pictures...

November09 130 This picture brings up a couple of thoughts.... 1.  My mother cannot take pictures.  (note her finger)  2.  I really need to get my hair cut.

November09 098 The newly minted annual tradition of Brayden making silly faces with Photobooth continued.  He sure does love his Uncle Chris!!

November09 132 There was a new event this year, perhaps this will become an annual tradition as well?  An impromptu gathering of white people dancing in their uber-white-people-fabulous way, right there in the Lane living room.  I'm uploading a video to YouTube now... don't say I didn't warn you...



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