Saturday, December 19, 2009

White House Basement Holiday Party

You probably read all about and saw lots of pictures from the President's Holiday Party with the media.  I don't want to talk about it, but I couldn't go.  BUT... I did make it to the Basement Holiday Party at the White House this week, and that was fun!  And, from what i hear, it had better food anyway.

IMG_4949 The super fancy, snazzy invitations that were taped up on the walls by the stairs.  Too bad some of the upstairs dwellers crashed the party, but it's all good.  We're hospitable like that in the basement.

IMG_4944 Check out my "barrier to employment, " haha!!  All of the chairs from the workspaces at the front of the basement were pushed all the way to the back... right in front of my door!!  I was able to squeeze by, so that's good.  I didn't really have any business to attend to, besides eating, anyway, so it was all good!

IMG_4945 Everyone gathered around to listen ot what is apparently the annual poetry reading. (this was my first basement party!)  It was the press edition of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.  It was pretty funny!  You can watch a video from Politico.  And if you look in the way back, about half way throught, you can see me!  I went upstairs and around to get a fork (there were waaaay too many people to squeeze back through to where the forks were) and I got stuck on the stairs.  I enjoyed the poem, though!  Check it out:

Of course, my favorite part of the party was hanging out with this girl, a.k.a. The Birthday Girl!!!

Hands down, one of the best benefits of being the White House Producer is that I get to see my dear friend Becky more often.  She's so funny and just great to be around.  The Basement party was held on her birthday, so we decided that it was really her birthday party!



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