Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life Lately

Well, hello there!  I'm going to try to eek out a little blog here.  I have been SO BUSY lately that there just hasn't been time to catch you up on my goings on for the last, oh, 6 weeks or so.  Haven't you missed me?  I've been working and working and traveling and crafting and trying to maintain some sort of sanity.

So, here you go, in :30 seconds or so:

I had an awesome bridal shower!  It was lovely to hang out with my family and my mom's friends and Gretchen down on the OBX for the day.  The food and decorations were both great and we scored lots of nice presents.  INCLUDING A KITCHEN AID STAND MIXER!!! Yessss.  I still need to get pictures of the event, though.


Me & G looking smokin' hot with our hair blowing in the wind like we're in a Beyonce video or something, haha.

Then... I flew to TEXAS for what is likely the last time I will go there as a single lady (shout out Beyonce') to see my sweetheart.  His friends threw us another shower and we got more gifts.  We have just been so blessed by so many great friends and family!

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I love this shot of us cracking up!!

Too bad I look all pregnant in that green shirt.  I wish one of my friends had been there to tell me to smooth it down in the back.  I know they would have.

I couldn't possibly be less pregnant!  And I'm not even that fat right now, pshaw!

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Oh, my dear Michael.  These airport goodbyes are the WORST.

This was hopefully our 2nd to last one.  Mike comes here in about two weeks for two weeks!

One more of these yucky c-ya's, and we'll be MARRIED!

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One weekend I was actually home and the Bierenbaums came over to help me with wedding crafts and we had dinner.

I love having people over for dinner!

Gretchen + a glue gun = Watch out world!

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Check out her handi-work on my cake serving set!  What's super-awesome about this is, the bows and starfish are glued on in a way that we can just slip them off after the wedding and have the plain white set.

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And check out our programs Jason designed, aren't they adorable?  I just bought some cardstock to print them on, and tied it up with some raffeta.

Michael's Craft store is like my new Ann Taylor Loft, hahaha.  I spend all my money there!

I'm so thankful for all of the 'Baums help!

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Then, I road-tripped it away for a weekend to see some of Michael's family/my new family for a much anticipated baby shower!

The Saturday morning drive was beautiful - all green - and no traffic - a great time to just relax and gather my thoughts!

I figured it was time to take a picture of myself driving.  It's been a while! Haha.

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I passed through Lynchburg!  I wish I had time ot stop at so many cities along the way.  So many friends to see!

I always have a rush of good memories whenever I drive past Liberty University.  Good times!

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Michael's aunt and new baby cousin!!!!!!

Isn't she simply adorable?  What a sweetie, too!

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This little girl was shown a serious amount of love!

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And these two just melt my heart.

Look at 'em holding hands, isn't that presh?

I just love to be around all the love!

Okay, enough mushing.

So, there you go.  Snapshots of my life lately.  I've been stressed but blessed!  Time is finally starting to feel like it's going by.  My hair is finally starting to grow.  This week I shouldn't be as busy as I have been, so I hope to be uber productive in the wedding department. 

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