Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Apple Blossom Pictures

I know, I know.... FINALLY.... pictures from the Apple Blossom Festival.  It was great, as usual.  In the span of about 24 hours, I ate a funnel cake, a philly cheese steak, a corn dog, some cotton candy and 2 fried oreos, plus a strawberry smoothie that I'm 99% sure was not "all natural."  There was lots of pink and green, fireworks, and of course, plenty of people watching opportunities!  It's always a fun trip!  Img_0921

It's been a while since I took a crazy driving picture, and since I had a Venti Iced Caramel Macchaito.

I loved the latter.  The former is for you!  :)

Img_0922_2 Ann and her cousin, Neal.  Neal is like the king of high school.  He's a state basketball champ and a football and track star.  He so reminds me of my nephew, Colby.

Cute kid.

Good kid.

Img_0924_3 I  had to take a picture with this giant Army dude because now every time I see anything having to do with the Army, I automatically think of my little brother, Chris, who is currently in basic training, where the Army is probably turning him into something like this.

A big, huge Army dude.

Img_0935_2These are Loretta's adorable kids.  Joyce bought them these little horns and you could hear them coming like 100 yards away.

I say next year, they march in the parade!Img_0943_3
Now, for your enjoyment, some of the magnificent sights of the Apple Blossom Festival!!

It was a dog and pony show, mostly...

Img_0941_2We were on the lookout for a man for Ann...


Think his tractor's sexy?

Ann is going to KILL me for this... I wonder how long it will take her to read the blog and get a weapon?

Img_0952Oh... if it were only that easy.

Pushing a button.

There's an idea!

Img_0944I was detained by these fake police officers when I tried to cross the street!


We walked up the parade route before it started... classic celebrity stalking move.

This is Ann talking to some Gatlin guy (can't remember his name, but Ann used to watch his brothers kids like 15 years ago.)


Steve stalking out some NFL player - this may be Kelly Washington from the Patriots... not sure.

Img_0949Each time we get together, Ann and I have a bad picture of us taken.



Here we are posing as beauty queens.

I don't think the real beauty queens thought that was funny!



It's tough being a beauty queen, I guess.


Exhausting, really.Img_0970

I mean, with all of the float riding and the waving, I guess it gets old.

These beauty queens stuck to themselves.


I like to watch the white high school bands trying to dance.

That's the best!


Followed by the Bolivian bands, who really can.

I don't know how they do it, what with all those heavy jingle bells and all!


This made me want some apple sauce!


For like a second... until I saw this.

Break out the cash!Img_0964

Oh, I forgot about the cheese fries.... oh, the cheese fries!


Totally worth the hour drive!


Okay, let me tell you about this girl.  We spotted her and thought her hair was, well, interesting.

So of course I made Ann pose like I was taking her picture so I could zoom around her and take this girl's picture.

Cute, right?

Sometimes I take it too far for this blog, people!Img_0929_2

Her friends were on to me!  Then they started taking pictures of us!  I thought they were going to come and kill us.

Which I'm pretty sure they could do.

But seriously, how do you tease your hair like that and not expect attention?

Please, don't kill me.


Every year, at Apple Blossom, I see at least one kid on a leash.

Part of me thinks this is a great idea, part of me isn't so sure.

But this little girl seemed to like it.


Too bad we didn't really see any hot 6 foot 4 firefighters for Ann.

Maybe next year.


BRB said...

The reason the beauty queens are none too happy is because you and Ann are out-beauty-queening them. Is that the best South Warren and Front Royal have to offer?

cindy floyd said...

Oh my,
Where do I start with this? You have got to stop driving and taking pictures of yourself. If it's illegal to talk on a cell phone in some states, I'm sure there is some law about self portraits. Girls, yall should have been riding on the float, and I am so glad that big hair apple queen did not take you both out.
love,apple mama

Rebecca said...

love this post! too funny! glad there no taking out by the big hair girl! i mean seriously...they were on to you...get over it! so hard being a beauty queen!