Sunday, May 11, 2008

After two super exciting weekends of traveling and seeing some of my favorite people on the planet, this weekend was pretty chill.  All alone in my apartment for two days or so.  Sometimes this can be lovely, sometimes it can be lonely.  Most of the time it's just okay.  It's my life and I learned a while ago to just go with it and not wait for "life" to begin.

This weekend it was actually pretty great.  I feel rested and accomplished and grateful for what I have.  I have been reminded that the "typical" can be extraordinary in many ways - if you just open your eyes.

Don't take the normal for granted. 

I stocked up my fridge and freezer with healthy food, cleaned my carpets, cooked twice, played with Brokaw, had a virtual date night, enjoyed two early mornings of coffee and the Washington Post, went to the gym, opened a bill I've been dreading and putting off, downloaded the new Gavin DeGraw album (do it), wrote a letter to my favorite soldier, and sent something to my love.  Oh, and I got a pedicure, that is hard to top.

Nothing extraordinary.  Yet just right.  Thank you, Lord.  And thank you also to the paper boy (or girl) for leaving me a Post on Saturday, I'm a Sunday subscriber only - so that was a nice little BONUS.

Some reminders are simple yet profound.  I embrace my normal.

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