Monday, January 2, 2006

welcome 2006!

I love the holidays, really.  But seriously, I am glad they're over.  Now I can go back to just buying stuff for me!  For real, I know I am not the only person who gets a little stressed this time of year.  I was supposed to go to Hawaii for Christmas this year, then thanks to a little family drama, the trip was canceled.  It turns out, that's a good thing.  I am one of those people that believes everything happens for a reason.  I'll expand on this idea's application to that week in a later post.  Anyway.. I just want to say Happy New Year!! Make a resolution!  I'm sick of hearing people say they didn't make resolutions because they know they're going to break them.  Okay, not a good enough excuse!  Maybe you will break them, but you definitely won't succeed if you don't set a goal in the first place!

Here are my New Year's Resolutions:
1.  To lose 20 more pounds.

2.  To volunteer somewhere.

3.  To journal more.

I've always been an avid goal-setter, and when I make my mind up that I'm going to do something, I do it.... as so, I resolve.  Try it.

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