Saturday, July 2, 2011

Visiting My (Dana's) Family

I just realized I had a few blog posts in purgatory. Sorry about that, poor forgotten blog posts.
Like this one, from a trip to Chesapeake/OBX to see my fam back in June.

The occasion?
My middle nephew, Colby's high school graduation!
Colby is an honor graduate, a stand-out football player, a really good looking guy!
I pretty much think the world of him.
Even if he did have crazy zig-zag hair.
His graduation means there's only one more Lane boy to grow up...
Oh my!!
Now, more photos....
Singing in the car with my favorite road trip buddy. I have a feeling this was "Don't Stop Believin'...."
We decided this go around to not stay in my sister's formal living room on an air mattress, and hopped online to find a cheap hotel. There was some last minute drama when we were checking in at like 2:00am. The girl couldn't find a clean room! All they had left was a HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE SUITE! Oh, darn. What a blessing!
We went to a joint graduation party for Colby, and his best friends, Chip and Abby.
This is my sis and her not-so-little boy.
The proud aunt and uncle!
We enjoyed our time in the pool!
(Note: M is not a dead body as he appears here. He is actually like AHHHH enjoying the pool, unaware of the camera, as me and Little Rob are)
This is my oldest nephew, Jorden, and his then-girlfriend, now-fiance' Kyndall. This was just days before he popped the big question and gave her this:
Awww. Right???? When he makes me feel old by doing things like getting engaged, I remind myself, he was born when I was in the 4th grade :)

After the graduation festivities, we headed down to the OBX to hang out with my mom and Dave! We stayed at the very hotel where we got married almost 2 years ago!
It was under that gazebo that we said our vows.
We laid out at the end of the walkway.
It was a perfect beach day.
We stopped a random woman and asked her to take a pic of us together. I'm not even kidding, she only had like 2 fingers, and one ended up in the picture. I didn't have the heart to ask her to take it over again! Haha.
We drove down south, just a little and saw some of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.
And Bodie Island Light.
Then back up north a little, to see my Mama at her baby store!
Then, we spent the night with my mom and Dave and ate some of Dave's amazing cooking, as usual!!! :)
What a great trip!!! I love my family, and I wish I could see them more.

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