Friday, June 4, 2010

GLAM night!

Hello, folks. Okay, so we are apparently the slackest bloggers alive. Whatever. Life just gets in the way of blogging. Lucky for you, I'm going to catch you up on the month of May super, duper quick.

May 1st.
Well.... first, a confession. I (Dana) and 100% nerd. As if you didn't know that already. Did you know that it has actually been a DREAM (not even stretching the truth here) for me to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner!?!?! For real. Dream. Like I used to watch it live on CSPAN every year.

This year, I was THERE! There were so many celebrities all over the place. Too bad I didn't know who most of them were because celebrities really aren't my thing. People were all over this Kardashian girl, I didn't know who she was, but a few days later, I googled her and found out she is apparently famous for having a big butt!?! There is hope for my fame, yet!

Kidding. But, for real. It was super awesome to be there. I got pictures with a couple of celebs and celebrity media types (who I really care more about). Check it out.

Like I said, the media types are my my cup of tea (or Joe, haha).
Notice how Mika is all jealous that I'm in Joe's arms! Haha. I love me some Morning Joe. I think this is like my 4th picture with them.
I know my mouth is like 75% open here, but I don't even care because I have looked up to Katie Couric (figuratively, I'm happy to report I am eye-to-eye with her and neither one of us was wearing shoes at this point) since I was like 10 years old. She totally reminds me of my hot mama!
My White House press buddy and source of many laughs, Becky, spotted me by my giant fake eyelashes. (Yes, I went there. I mean when else am I going to have a chance to be this glam, right?) Love this girl!
Red Carpet, baby!!!
But... you wanna know what made the whole weekend extra special??? Getting to spend two nights in a nice downtown DC hotel with this guy:

We truly soaked it up!! We spent the night before the White House dinner on a "date night" of our own at an awesome Italian restaurant, then we got ice cream and ate it outside. After the dinner, I met up with M who was out on the town by himself and Sunday, we ate breakfast out, then browsed around Eastern Market where we bought some fresh, local produce and I got a red sundress because I was sweating in my jeans! It was hot that day! Oh, the memories. It was such an incredible weekend!!!

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