Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm super slacking on the bloggage... I know.  I'm contemplating quitting.  I just never have time to update, you know? 


Last weekend my dear friend Ann came down and we went to After Eve, a young women's conference brought to you in part, because of another one of my friends, Becky Barber.

I don't have any pictures to share, sorry.  But it was a refreshing time learning how to study the Word and listening to some other women talk about how we all struggle with the same things - like hiding our butts and our basements.  C'mon you know you do it too.

Anyway, shout out to Ann for driving down and to Becky Barber for all of your hard work to make After Eve happen!

Okay, now some random news updates, because I know inquiring minds want to know... I'm sorry if this makes me a horrible person, but I'm really getting sick of the whole "green" thing.  It just seems trendy and it's getting on my nerves.  First it was CNN, now it's NBC.  Please... make it stop. Turn the bugs back to their normal colors.  If you do, I'll go out and buy one of those $3.00 squiggly light bulbs, I promise.

I've been mildly frustrated at work.  If you're wondering how to pray for me, that's it.  I've been missing my work friends in Pittsburgh, so I just watched the live noon webcast on which I heard three words that scared me. "Lake effect snow." Snow is a four letter word as far as I'm concerned. Ick.  I miss my Pittsburgh pals but I am grateful that I don't have to spend another winter there!

Me and winter -- we're not friends.

I'm in the middle of like 4 books right now, it's a mess. And there are two out this week that I want but cannot afford in my current situation.  Tom Brokaw has a new book out about the 60's and Peter Jennings' wife wrote a book about him. Thank God for library cards!

Words cannot even express how much I can't wait for this weekend!

Img_4167 Here's an updated baby Brokaw pic, per Susan's request.

He's my baby!

I thought something was terribly wrong with him last night but now I'm thinking maybe his leg was just asleep.

Look at that face, seriously!


Becky said...

Yay for After Eve!! Glad you guys came... :)

Andrew Stockey said...

Dana --
We miss you as well. Things continue to go well for the am show, but everytime we see you behind Nikole during the Hearst bureau hits we get a bit misty-eyed. Please don't give up blogging. I think more people than you know read about your adventures and it's the ony way we can keep up with you on a daily basis unless we bug you at work through ENPS.
The entire morning crew misses you - but we know you are doing what you need to do to become a star in this crazy biz.
Take care

Gretchen said...

Don't quit the blog. Just do it when you can. Friends all over like to read about the happs. I will be sad b/c most of the post are about us and you know until my big fame break comes this is as good as it gets for me :)