Monday, November 19, 2007

Energizer Bunny

I am the energizer bunny, apparently.  For the last month or so, I have either had someone in town visiting, or I have been away.  It has been busy, exhausting, and incredibly rewarding.  I am blessed with some really awesome friends and family.  Now, I feel like I should have a tour t-shirt from seeing virtually all of them in recent weeks.  I have been bursting with joy to post some of these pictures, so here you go.  Oh, and thanks to those of you who encouraged me to keep the blog.  I'm going to give it a shot.  As long as you're on board with nothing, nothing... then a massive blogfest.  3... 2... 1....

It's going to seem like I'm burying the lead here.  Trust me, my producer pals, I am not.  I am merely catching you up on my life in chronological order. 

Okay? All aboard... so, let's start with LAST weekend:

Planes, Trains and Automobiles...Img_4170 Img_4168 Img_4172

Okay, not necessarily in that order, but they were all involved in my trip to TEXAS last weekend to see my dear Michael, a.k.a. the Birthday Boy!Img_4231

As usual, my response when I see this boy -- WHAT A WEEKEND!  We enjoyed a fabulous stroll around the botanical garden, where suzie snapshots was hard at work:Img_4185

Texas has nice, big skies that remind me how small I am and how big my God is.

Img_4238 Img_4235 Img_4210

I loved the butterflies!


And the flowers!


Even the fruits...


And the feeling of sand between my toes...


It was a beautiful, memorable place.

Because of all of those things...

But more so because of the company...


It was nice to just take it all in...


Party Time.


Luke, the grill master.


Princess cleaned a lot of plates and she was out!


The loot.  I think the last time I got this many presents I was like 7!

Ha! I was a tad jealous.

You'll have to settle for pictures of the gifts WRAPPED...


Because SOMEONE thought she was taking pictures but wasn't...



So, we were forced to re-enact.

Look how surprised Michael is!?!



I mean look at how good this guy is at faking it....



I'd say it was all a hit.

The food.

The gifts.

The party.


A good time was had by all.


Of course, no visit would be complete without the ceremonial self portrait...


This one is my favorite.


We are one cute couple if I do say so myself.

And I did.

So there you go.

Yet again... what a weekend!

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