Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Best Web Project of My Career!!!

Mike and Amy at Baptist Medical Center
I'm gonna share with you guys the best web project of my career.

Last winter we saw a post that my cousin Amy was badly injured in a wreck outside Hot Springs, Arkansas. We were devastated. It was the closest I've come to realizing the shock my friends and family must have felt when I broke my neck in '94.

I felt so far away from everyone. I wanted so badly to reach out and do SOMETHING. Because I knew what they were going through, I wanted Amy's family to know they weren't alone. People were going to her Facebook profile and her family's for updates. It was all disjointed and anyone who wasn't their friend wouldn't know. Then it hit me --a Facebook page.

It was like God was whispering in my ear.

So, I did it. I put together a Facebook page and called it, "Hope for Amy K".

Overnight it went from a dozen to over a hundred subscribers. The numbers continued to climb into the hundreds. I reposted updates from Amy's family and close friends. People left comments, prayers, and memories. Strangers picked up on the story. Friends of friends of friends joined in. It was amazing!

As Amy recovered we all rejoiced. As she had setbacks we hunkered down and prayed.

In time, Amy's family took over administering the page with updates. They posted events and milestones.

Now, Amy is the main admin. We follow Amy's personal updates to her page. She has almost three thousand likes on her page. Her greatest tragedy is touching people she will never meet.

Nobody ever paid me for this project. There was no mass marketing plan; no researching demographics; no business model. It was simply a desire to do something for somebody else. This project has reached more people than I imagined and lasted longer than I dreamed. It has been a place of hope for so many. That's something I'll never forget.

You can see the page and share the story here.


Kristen Maddux said...

Wow. Love it. Social media at it's finest!

Tamara said...

Just one more reason to love you guys!!!!