Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Decorations

The visit to the White House inspired me to finish putting up my own decorations!  I thinned out my Christmas decoration collection considerably last year when I was living in the shoebox studio apartment.  So, I don't have a lot now.  But, the simplicity is nice.  

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I am an equal opportunity kind of gal when it comes to Santas.

Skinny Santas.  Fat Santas.  All welcome here.

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I used to make it up to NYC almost every Christmas season and buy myself something new from the NBC store.  Don't you love my mini 30 Rock?

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I don't know what happened to my poor little red ornament tree.

It has a hernia.  I tried to fix it, but it turns out I'm not a very good hernia fixing surgeon.

Christin - note the bulbs.  Didn't I steal that from you?  Or was it Becky?  I don't know, but my sister does it now, too!  So, it's pretty much universal.

1 comment:

cindy floyd said...

The decorations look great! All except the hernia tree!! Put it on Craigs list. Maybe you'll get lucky!!