Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Good Evening

Wow. Aren't you lucky.  You have me morning and night. I had a minute so I thought I'd share a couple more things.

1. I just made fabulous pork chops on the grill for dinner.  Yummy.  I don't know why I dreaded pork chop night as a child.  Quite delightful.  And corn on the cob and salad and lemon herb pasta.  It was enjoyable, as lunch will be tomorrow.

2. I wish I had Kelly Ripa's hair.   Can I just come out about that?  Every morning, I get to work at about 9am, just as "Regis & Kelly" is coming on the big flat screen that greets you at the TV station's door.  So yay.  The first thing I get to see is a life sized Kelly Ripa head of beautiful blonde hair saying "hello, good morning, even on your good hair days, you don't look like this!" Yeah, thanks a lot.

I had a bit of a hair dye nightmare this weekend.  I'll share before and after pics soon.  Hairdye and Pizza on a friday night, I felt like I was back in college!

Oh, and the autopsy results are in.  That woman was officially killed by her pet wolves.  Ouch.

1 comment:

gretchen said...

Ok so did you write the story about the baby ducks falling in the sewer drain? That is hard hitting news..j/k How about that story on making sure your hands look young if you get a face lift...b/c then people will still think you are old if your hands look old...AHHAAHAHAH