Monday, May 29, 2006

Images_7I'd like to get back into posting my daily musings.  So, here goes.  Not even a full 24 hours post my patriotic post about Memorial Day, I found myself in a predicament.  I noticed there was no traffic on the way to work today (because all folks with a reasonable, normal job were off) so I thought, "I shall seize this Starbucks opportunity." I was even the kind co-worker and called ahead to the newsroom to bring joe for others. And that's when it happened.  I practically pulled out into the middle of a Memorial Day Parade.  Seriously.  There were high school marching bands, Shriners, and I even saw the Mayor of Monroeville.  Route 22 was parade headquarters.  And the festivities were continuing beyond Starbucks.  Needless to say, I had to start my day without joe. Sigh.

I got in a last minute Memorial Day grilling mood and made a trip to the grocery store where there were NO STEAKS. At all.  Western Pennsylvania has been swept clean of red meat.  So, I had chicken. 

4647ice_cream Seeing as my two above opportunities to blow my healthy way of life were busted, I tried for the charm.  Third try.  Brusters.  Score!  I'm pretty sure I was making love to that Turtle Waffle cone all the way home. Windows were down.  Our PDA was out there for the whole world to see.  Cue the Rascal Flatts song.  I love this ice cream.  LOVE it.  Seriously.

Okay, there.  Happy Memorial Day.  Again, don't lose sight of what it's all about... even if the American Legion Parade gets in your way.  Today another soldier and two journalists lost their lives in Iraq.  Those deaths both hit home for me.

Well... 7 minutes until Everwood.  I must now assume the position.

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