Friday, October 5, 2012

High Five For Friday

I'm sitting on the floor of the airport of the Atlanta airport. I'm as finished with my work as I can get at this point, so here I am.

Oh, the glamorous life, right?

I saw that my friend Jennifer linked up with Lauren for High Five for Friday, so I thought I'd do the same. It's my first time doing this.

Highlights of my week:

1. Quick little road trip to West Virginia with my man, to escape all that is City Life.

2. The 80 degree day we had in DC, and the fact that the flowers and plants and herbs on our porch are still going Summer-strong.
3. Laughing at myself at work when I was getting dressed after going to the gym, realizing I forgot my DRESS. I made the best of wearing yoga pants at work all day.
4. Covering the first Presidential debate of the 2012 election season. This was my view in the media center.
5. Colorado sunset. This iPhone pic does NOT even begin to do it justice!

I can't wait to get home tonight. I hope you are all doing well, have a great weekend!


Coffee Mom said...

Wasn't that a fun and fast little link up?! Love it! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great but busy week! The sunset beautiful. Isn't our Creator's design so amazing?!


P.S. I know how much you enjoy reading blogs, so I thought I would leave you my link!

Dana Brown Ritter said...

Yes, ma'am! I'm so jealous of your pictures, you are such a talented photographer! I am so lazy, I just iPhone it all the time, even though we DO own a DSLR.

Dana Brown Ritter said...

Thanks, Kate! I signed up to follow your blog. :)