Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Thank You Note to The Frugal Girl

Dear Frugal Girl,

Before I found your blog, there were so many things I had never tried before.
Like making bread, and making freezer jam.
I did not cook growing up, and while I definitely ate very good as a child, I didn't eat much from scratch.
So, had I not found your blog and all of your inspiring pictures and matter-of-fact tips for saving money and cooking at home, I wouldn't be the home cook that I am now.

And I think now I'm pretty stinking good. (and clearly, humble too!)

I wish I had more time to do these things, but working full time with an hour+ commute doesn't always allow it.  But, recently, I had the chance to make bread again, and your blueberry freezer jam, and I remembered how awesome homemade can taste.

I'm no pro.  My blueberries were not mashed enough.  And my bread isn't perfectly rolled.

But breakfast sure does taste better when it is yogurt (I haven't tried making that myself yet, but I will, one day!) with homemade freezer jam, and granola... or cinnamon toast with homemade sandwich bread.

So, thank you, Frugal Girl.


Kristen@TheFrugalGirl said...

Aww, Dana! Your post made me smile. Thank you!

awoodman4ever said...

Dana, yogurt is very easy to make at home and far better when you make it yourself. Also quite cost effective. A win-win situation! There is a ton of info on the Web. Check it out.