Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday!

Oh. My. Goodness.  How exciting is this?  That State of the Union party I'll be having on day?  Well, add a Super Tuesday party to the list.  Complete with state bets and the whole deal.  It's so exciting!! 

I couldn't even sleep today.  I got up and started watching the evening newscasts and literally had to peel myself off the couch and put myself back into bed and force myself to go back to sleep!  THEN I had a dream about Mitt Romney, I don't remember the details, which is likely a good thing, but I know he was there.  Sad, yes, I realize this.

Well, I better get ready for work.  It's going to be a 12+ hour day, I believe, but that's okay.  Please keep praying for Christin and Dave, as they expect news tomorrow.

I wish I could bring Mr. Puggles to work with me tonight, I think he gets into politics too... (side note: sometimes I look up the links that link to this blog, and yesterday I had two from two Google searches for "Mr. Puggles)  He is world wide, baby!


One more side note... what is it with Hillary and yellow?  She has been rocking that black/yellow deal that reminds me of the Blind Melon video from like 9th grade... and she was rocking yellow again tonight.  Hmmm.... wonder if there's any research behind that?

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