Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Andy Warhol

enImg_0135_1Sunday... more free stuff!  There was a chance to see some of Pittsburgh's galleries and museums this weekend for free, so I figured I'd get out and get cultured.  I hit the Andy Warhol museum.  If you don't know who he is, don't feel bad... wiki it!  My trip to the Andy Warhol museum was, well, interesting.  I toured the galleries, bought a post card and had a fabulous sandwich in the museum cafe'.  Turkey and roasted red pepper on toasted wheat with a side of fresh pasta salad.  I pretty much concluded by the end of my trip, however, that I am just not all that cultured, no matter how hard I try.  The sandwich was my favorite part.  I think Andy Warhol was a troubled soul, talented, but troubled.  I do like his work of celebrity portraits, commercial labels and shoed though.. the naked men, I could do without. Img_0129Img_0130 Img_0133


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