Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Recovering Pseudo Runner

So... ouch!  Yesterday I was so sore.  My body was hungover from that 5K I ran/walked Sunday. I didn't even eat my lunch.  The stairs equal pain.  Not going up, but coming down. (do you think this is what it's like to be old?) I wasn't about to endure that for my Smart Ones Chicken Parmesan.  Hardly worth it. Hardly. So I sat at my desk and munched on the other edibles I brought that didn't require assistance from the microwave.

What is up with the traffic? Usually, the later I leave my house, the less the congestion.  Not so much yesterday. I was later than usual, not a good start on a Monday.  Today, I VOW to leave earlier! I guess all the Pittsburghers are back from the Outer Banks!

Mmm... I have really good coffee today.  Home brew: Godiva Vanilla Hazelnut.  Cup 1 = warms you up. Cup 2 = wakes you up. Cup 3 = now you're ready!!

My coffee was so swell I even took the dog for a morning walk.  He was pumped.  I hope he doesn't think this is going to be an everyday thing though... I saw my breath out there! The walk was good for me too. I'm trying to turn my strike into a spare. (that's a metaphor for my exercise -- I am trying to use this 5K as a jump start)

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