Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Michael's visit back in July...

It's pretty sad when you have to go to the archives to post "new" pictures.

I'm ashamed of myself.

July09 004

Mr. Metro.

The out-of-towners and the metro... I swear.

I'd so totally joke him if I didn't a) think he was the best, most adorable thing on the planet...

and b) didn't secretly still like the metro myself! Haha.

July09 006

We went to the rehearsal for the Capitol Fourth concert and it was super fun.

Saw Barry Manilow... which was hilarous because I guess I never realized he is an actual, real person... I felt like I was watching a person impersonate Barry Manilow...

but no... he was there, in all of his Manilowness... Hahaha.

July09 011

Told ya.

July09 074

We road tripped it down to NC for the Brodster's birthday.

I can't believe he's 3! And now he's a big brother.  I can't wait to meet little Grey soon!

And no... Michael is not a Holocaust survivor.  That is a list of things for me not to forget.. on his forearm.

July09 041

We had a crazy busy, but really fun and memorable time together!

I can't believe how long ago that was now!

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