Saturday, March 9, 2013

On Going Back to *THE* Church

Look at that.
It's Saturday, again.

These weeks are just flying by!
Working 10 hour days doesn't leave much time for blogging, and I really miss it.

But, I'm here now.

Last Sunday, we went to church.
It was great, being back in church again.

This wasn't just any church. It was the church where I was first born as a little bitty, baby Christian.
I was 16, and I wore nothing but Old Navy, and I drove a 1982 Red Pontiac Firebird.

Jesus changed my life, and fueled everything in between then and now.
Now I'm back.
Not as a 16 year old blonde in a hot car.
But as a 33 year old married blonde (minus my current root situation) in a minivan.

It's a strange feeling - going back to a place that was so monumental in making you who you are today, but being older, wiser (?), and married and mid-career.

I felt old.
But, I'm glad I'm back.

Even with my forehead wrinkles.
And my minivan.
Especially with my husband.

There's no place like home.

1 comment:

Kristen Maddux said...

Aw, so wonderful! I always love going back to the church I was raised in...the fact that my dad's the pastor and that he's a fabulous speaker/counselor/pastor/all-around-great-guy may be part of it.:) So many sweet memories around every corner. And so many more wonderful people who have loved me, prayed for me and known me forever. I'm so loved and enveloped there.
Since moving away and getting married I have really enjoyed my individuality apart from being "Kristen Lancaster, the pastor daughter," so we're members at another church in town. But go back to my "THE" church often (SaraRose attends AWANA there every Wed night, in fact)...and I still consider myself part of their Body. Having both is very dear to me.