Tuesday, September 4, 2007

3 Day Weekend

Three day weekends are the best, no?  I say - definitely.  I'm thinking that since Congress is back in session today - I should trek it up to the Hill and try to get my permanent 3 day weekend statute passed, what do you say?  5 days is just too much, don't you agree?

Whatever. It will take an act of Congress - and well, you know what they say..

Be that as it may - I had a FABULOUS weekend with "my friend Ann."  Ha ha.  Ann is an amazing friend who gets me on so many levels and everytime we get together we have so much fun.  I lived through her as she bought a darling pair of Nine West flats with a gift card.  She helped me justify buying a book. We got beautiful pedicures and ate three meals out in two days.  That's what I'm talking about. Highlights:

Img_3691Our customary self portrait.  It's pretty much law that we take one of these each time we're together.

I wish I would have saved the one where Ann was trying my famous "head tilt." I deleted it upon command. Hey -she's a teacher and I didn't want to get in trouble with Miss Nagy!

But I really, REALLY wish I had it - because it was HILARIOUS.

Img_3693_2It was funny enough to lead to <---- this. Need I say more?


Photo shoot time!


High five Washington Monument!


The World War II Memorial is the best at night.


Ann is such a better photographer than me.  It's really not fair.  Oh, and I was really mad at my camera - it does not take good pictures at night - well, it's probably ME, but still...


Thirsty Ann??


Our super-expensive pedi's... it's so sad that summer sandal season is wrapping up...


I am always confidently wrong about something.  I suggested we take the metro to Rosslyn. I thought Rosslyn was this cute little neighborhood where people lived and ate out. Hmm? Not so much. We couldn't find ONE RESTAURANT. So, that was a waste of time and money on the metro ride.

Boo Rosslyn!

Img_3668 Hands down, what I will remember most about this trip is the strange things we encountered in and around restaurant bathrooms.

Exhibit A. Token locks on the doors? Yes, tokens - like you get at Chuck E. Cheese. You have to ask your waiter for a token - to use the bathroom?

And no, there's no merry-go-round in there.


Exhibit B. Mouthwash dispensers.

This is a great idea!
Very refreshing!

So - we vote no on the tokens but yes on the mouthwash.

Ahhh... adventures in DC bathrooms.


ann said...

I am glad that I made the blog! You are too funny! I love the picture of me laughing and exhibiting my chest to the world--yikes!!! I keep telling everyone about the bathrooms too-- that was the highlight!

Becky said...

You went to Lebanese Taverna (the mouthwash!)!! Hands down one of my favorite restaurants. The hummus is to die for... right, Christin??
And Rosslyn...haha...yeah, it's more businesses. Maybe you were thinking of Clarendon?