Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our Goals for 2011

We spent part of New Year's Day planning for 2011, together. Intentionally getting on the same page with our goals, our calendar (well, we still need to look at that) and our money. It was a little bit hard, at times. But, I'm glad we did it.

Now, I'm putting this out there for the world to read in hopes that transparency will lead to a higher likelihood of success! Also, if you have experience in any of these goals and have tips for us, bring 'em on!

Personal Goals


-Exercise brain: increase vocabulary and memory

--daily journaling

--listening to podcasts

-Get out of the house

--weekly prayer meeting with guys

-Earn income

--on top of SS

-Stop worrying about the dogs


-Get body back to thinking it’s 30(ish)

--fruit and veggies (1 fruit @breakfast, 2 veggies @dinner at least)

--exercise 2x a week

--get stress level down

--get blood pressure down

-Personal prayer life

--consistent quiet time with God in the morning

--prayer in the shower

-Flex creative muscles

--take a photography class

--learn to sew

--learn to can foods


Mutual Goals


--mutual appreciation

--working TOGETHER (even through frustration, when necessary)

--communicating so we both see both sides/points of view

--Michael being present, even when not contributing physically


--develop opportunities for romance

--try new things

--separate caregiving and sexing

--watch less TV/go to bed earlier


--go through couples books a couple times a week

--continue daily Bible reading at breakfast

--get back to Bible promises reading right before bed

-Building relationships with other couples

--host a couple for dinner at least once a month

--look for opportunities to double date

--pray for other marriages

--spend time with the girls/guys separately


Financialation (we enjoy making up words around here!)


--create a monthly budget and stick to it

-Money night

--last Friday of each month, order takeout/get alcohol and view spending/receipts from that month, and look at upcoming expenses/goals for the next month


~Mariesa said...

Wow! Those are some really nice - and personally challenging - goals. I wish you the best of luck acheiving them together - or at least moving more towards the place(s) you want to be in your lives and your marriage. You're my idol for having the courage to actually put pen to paper on these. It's so much easier for me to not reach a goal if I haven't solidified it on paper - as if it wasn't real to begin with.
Anyway, I don't know what category this fits into, but we started reading Gary Chapman's "One Year Love Language Minute Devotional" last year, and I think it's been a great thing for us to share. I try to read it first thing in the morning (quiet, if not consistent, moments with God). It gives me something positive to focus on - pertaining to our marriage and usually life in general - throughout the day, and it also brings up things we can talk about together, as a couple... for what it's worth...
As far as developing opportunities for romance, what has worked for us over the years in my opinion, is that every Friday night is date night... only we rarely go out. It's ignore the dog, the laundry, the phones and email night, have wine, order pizza and just be together. It may not sound all that romantic, but if you add in candles here and there, music, themed attire (lol), it can make an evening at home a lot more fun. I think it's that we're both so committed to the same time every week to focus on each other that I really enjoy the most about it. No matter what happens, about 51 Friday nights out of the year, he's all mine, and that's pretty special to me. :)

Kristen Maddux said...

Last year, I took an online photography class I learned a ton from. It fit my lifestyle really well, and totally revolutionized the way I use my DSLR (not more green auto button!) Let me know if you'd like more info about it.
Cheers to 2011!

Dana Brown Ritter said...

Mariesa, We have read the 5 Love Languages, but not the devotional, thanks, I will check that out!

Kristen, was it DPS? I get those emails, but I'm terrible at actually practicing. I'm hoping to step up my game this year! If it wasn't DPS, please pass the info along, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is really impressive. Thanks for sharing! I KNOW that you can both succeed!


Anonymous said...

I love your GOAlS!! My goal last year was to learn how to sew and now i love to do it. Im no where near as good as my mom or grandmother but i think by the end of this year i will be so much closer!! And my mother taught me how to can over the summer. It was so much fun. I think you should start with a good jam or jelly! Well good luck keep us posted i just love reading your blog!
Amber Wilson Yankow